15kva Yorc Generator

The 15kva Yorc generator is the flagship generating set of theYorc range of generators and its one of the most popular purchase amongs home owners and small businesses.

Ratings and Perfromance Data

Engine Make: YORC
Engine Speed: RPM 1500
Frequency: 50Hz
Engine Model: A/4G42D4
Control Panel Model: MK 7 / MK8
Control Panel Make: COMAP
Circuit Breaker Make: ABB
Circuit Breaker Type: 3 Pole MCCB
Base Frame: Heavy Duty Fabricated Steel
Fuel Tank Capacity: 99 Litres
Fuel Consumption: Litres / Hours 2.3

Prime Rating 50% 2.3  75% 3.1
Alternator Make: YORC

Prime Rating
These ratings are applicable for supplying continuous electrical power (at
variable load) in lieu of commercially purchased power. There is no
limitation to the annual hours of operation and this model can supply 10%
overload power for 1 hour in 12 hours.
Standby Rating
These ratings are applicable for supplying continuous power (at variable
load) in the event of a utility power failure. No overload is permitted on these
ratings. The alternator on this model is peak continuous rated (as defined in
ISO 8528-3).

Securit and Safety

  • Emergency stop push button mounted on enclosure.
  • Cooling fan and battery charging alternator fully guarded.
  • Fuel fill and battery can only be reached via lockable access doors.
  • Exhaust silencing system totally enclosed for operator safety

Sound Proof

Primepower Soundproof 15kva Yorc generator enclosure range ensures optimum performance in the harshest environments, they are fully weatherproof and incorporate internally mounted exhaust silencers. Designed on modular principles, they have interchangeable components permitting on-site repair, fully access doors and access panels that provide optimal service and maintenance access.

Extremely durable and robust, the 15kva Yorc 1 enclosures are designed to resist corrosion and handling damage with the ability to withstand rough handling common on many construction sites. The sound attenuated enclosures reduced sound levels to comply with the international and European standards.

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